skot terrier futás

2013.01.13 Vasárnap, 10:52:00



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20.35 km


05:01 p/km (11.95 km/h)


DId 24 press-ups yesterday and boy could I feel them today. Taught until 9.30 and then did most of my stretching and yapped to Yols. Had planned to do 22.25 kms but a combination of the press-ups, the top I wore, and having to go to Spar fucked me up. The 22.25 would have been the TB Kertvaros run. I wore, for the first time, the Decathlon stuff Ilona bought me ages ago. The bottoms were OK, but I sweated too much in the top so I won'T wear that under another top again. Very slippy under foot and I actually fell once just before the English park main gate. Wearing my black gloves at that point really help to cushion the fall. Took 15 secs of my recorded time for that fall as I forgot to stop my watch at first. Had my one shit after about 10 mins. My watch shoew 10.30 but I had farted around with my gloves etc., plus I found out that you can't put your watch under that top as then you have real problems stopping your watch. Don't know when I took off my gloves but got fed up off carrying them when I was next to the Altal ér and deviced a system to carry them im my running bag where they wouldn't fall out. Wpore my grey running bag as Mari has my orange one at the moment. Recorded 4.09 to the OL rather than the 3.99 I recorded last time. Interesting. The 20.35 is actually a little bit inflated as I went to Spar. Splits-4.52,4.58,7.44,5.13,5.10,4.47,5.25,5.00,5.22,6.39,5.28,5.28,5.05,4.44,5.08,5.07,5.05,5.16,?,4.52


Idő Táv
01:42:12 20.35 05:01 11.95 0 0 0 0
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